This campaign provides information about concessions and will fight for fairer concessions for you.

About the issue

Whether you are a pensioner or a self-funded retiree, we all continue to pay bills as we get older.

Older Australians often need a bit help with doctor’s fees, medicines, private health insurance, aged care, transport, housing, energy costs and other essentials.

That’s why governments, whether federal, state/territory or local, offer a range of concessions targeted at older Australians.

But not all older people are treated equally.

Some concessions are set too low and many aren’t indexed annually to meet changes in living costs.

These inconsistencies and irrationalities undermine confidence in government.

What older people want are concessions that are fair and reasonable, and which recognise the hard work and contribution older people have made and the struggles they face.

This campaign will educate older Australians about the range of concessions available to them.

We will do this through our handy National Seniors Concessions Calculator.

This information will be used to help us make concessions fairer for all older Australians.

So, check out your entitlements and join the campaign!

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